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Antique Reliquary Agnus Dei Easter Wax Relic - Blessed by Pope, Convent Artifact
Reliquary With Important Relics of St. Pius V Pope & St. Charles Borromeo
18th Cent. Silver Filigree Reliquary Ex Indumentis Relic St. Vincent de Paul
19th C. Silver Reliquary Ex Indumentis Relic of Saint John Gabriel Perboyre
Reliquary (1931) Relic of St Anthony of Padua + Original Wax Seal
19th Cent. Reliquary Ex Pallio Relic St. Joseph, Spouse Virgin Mary + Wax Seal
19th C. Reliquary 1st Class Relics St Francis de Sales & St J. Frances Chantal
Unique Spanish Reliquary Cross with 60 Holy Relics, 17th Century
Antique 16th Century Book Works of Saint Basil the Great by Erasmus of Rotterdam
19th Cent. Reverse Glass Ex-Voto Painting of The Immaculate Conception
19th Cent. Reverse Glass Ex-Voto Painting of The Holy Family, Folk Art. Spain
19th Cent. Reverse Glass Ex-Voto Painting of San Ramón, Folk Art. Spain
Antique Book Spanish Civil Law From 1737, Vellum +++ Condition
Antique 18th Century Geography Book + COMPLETE 17 Dropdown Maps: America Europe…
Antique Rare 19th Cent. Burma Buddha Statue 'touching the earth' 50 CMS Wood
Triptych St Joseph & Child / St Anthony 18th Cent Spanish Painting Oil on Canvas
Antique Bible 1788, Leather & Brass, Fine Christ Passion Engravings, Spain
Antique 3 Large Tomes Theology Books, Exquisite Condition 1773, Italy
Antique Bible 1691, Large Leather & Gold Bound, Latin Vulgate, France
Antique Monstrance Reliquary 5 Relic St Ursula Benedict Conrad Irmengard Aloysiu
Monstrance Reliquary 19th Cent. First Class Relic Saint Conrad of Parzham
17th Cent Silver Double Reliquary 14 Martyr Relics St Cosimo, Marcelino, Artemia
19th Cent Reliquary Holy Relic Saint Francis of Assisi + Wax Seal
Late 18th Century Indo-Portuguese Folk Crucifix, Suffering Christ with Wounds